Alf Löhr
Born 1957 in Bochum, Germany
1977–83 MFA Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
1985–88 Ph. D. Royal College of Art, London
' Shadowlands ' curated by Prof. Dr Gerhard Graulich , Goldbergkunst
' Alter Ego ' performance with Ulrike Brand and the Sicilian Improvisors Orchestra, Curva Minore, Palermo
' Nacht über Deutschland ' ein Installation von Tanja Zimmermann zu Gertrud Bing, Casper David Friedrich Institute, Greifswald
' Alter Ego' Museo Antonio Pasqualino Internationale Delle Marionette, Palermo
'Diario di Palermo', mit Ulrike Brand, Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa-Sala Michele Perriera, Curve Minore, Palermo
Der Sturm/ The Tempest , Staatliches Museum Schwerin
'Nodi di Colore- Specci di Cielo', La Fondazione Bogliasco, Genoa
Royal Academy 250 year Anniversary Summer Show, London
Working in India, Spain, England
" Reise nach Indien", Galerie Alter& Neuer Meister, Staatliche Museen Schwerin, Gupta, Löhr, Graf, Shetty, Flohrschuetz
“Fremd Sein”, Staedtische Galerie Ostfildern, Camil Leberer und Alf Löhr
“ Water and Colour” curated by Becca Pelly-Fry, Griffin Galerei, London
“ Venus and Cupit”, Angus Broadbent Gallery , London
Working in India, Spain, London.
“In the shadow of the dinosaur”, Berlin, Museum für Naturkunde
“Paintings from three continents” Adam Gallery, London
Residency at Saaram Centre, Kottajam
“In Context”, Performance at Situation Kunst, Bochum
with Stephan Ullrich, Voice, and Wolfgang Sellner, cello.
Working in India, Spain, London.
Sanskriti Foundation, New Delhi
“Inversion”, Adam Gallery, London
“Alf Löhr at St. John” London
“Precious Light”, Edinburgh City Art Gallery,
Group exhibition as part of the David Mach exhibition.
Working in India, Spain, London
Galerie Jones, Cologne
“Between Chance and Determination”, Adam Gallery, London Working in Spain, London, and Istanbul.
Atelier Aperti, Orvieto, Italy
“It shouldn’t have happened to me”,
book on trauma with Anna Walker
Working in Italy, Spain, London.
Muka Gallery, Aukland, New Zealand
“Objective Emotion”, Broadbent Gallery, London
Galerie Truebenbach und Jones, Cologne
“Bias Bond”, Melbourne,
“Dreams of Art Spaces Collected”, IGBK, Berlin
Conny Dietzhold Gallery, Sydney Victorian Tapestry Workshop, Melbourne
“Looking for the Tasmanian Tiger”, Broadbent Gallery, London
Residency at VTW, Melbourne
Visiting Prof. at Monash University, Melbourne
Travelling in Northern Australia, New Zealand
“Einblicke”, Galerie Witzel, Wiesbaden “Conversations on Cork Street, Adam Gallery, London
“Quiet Strokes of a Night Swimmer”, The Ambassador’s Residency, London Visiting Prof. at Monash University, Melbourne Travelling in Australia, Tasmania,
Angus Broadbent Gallery, London Travelling in Senegal
Working in Spain and London
The German Ambassador’s Residency Gallery, London
“Slow Art”, Broadbent Gallery, London
Newlyn Art Gallery, Cornwall
Kunst und Austellungshalle der BRD, Bonn
Kunstverein Rastatt
Pumphouse Gallery, Battersea Park, London
Howard Garden Gallery, Cardiff
Firstsite at the Minories, Colchester
Goethe Institute London
Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucester 2000 Galerie Christoph Grau, Hamburg
“Ist die Photographie am Ende?” Aktuelle Photo- und Medienkunst
Staatliche Galerie Schloß Moritzburg, Halle.
1999 Museum Bochum
Awards and Honors
2003 Kunstfonds, Bonn, Arbeitsstipendium 1996 Senior Fellow, University of Wales, Institute of Cardiff 1992 Kaiserringstipendium, Museum für moderne Kunst, Goslar 1989–91 Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Bonn 1987 DAAD German Academic Exchange Service