It came as a surprise to everybody,
Then there was the big Grey, a fully grown elephant who had the biggest brain. He occasional suffered from the German disease ‘Sehnsucht’, where he climbed the ladder up to the trapeze. It was a great act but every time he did get up on the trapeze the big top would come down and everybody was covered under the tarpaulin and had to crawl out. ‘Schimmel’ the horse did not think it was funny, even thou everybody else laughed. I can see why Siniora Pagliaccio, or Mademoiselle Pierrot or Herr Dummkopf were not chosen to run the circus. But what about magician Messieurs Mysteriuex with his long black curls. He had a magic glass ball, to see into the future. That could come in handy with all the problems the circus was facing. First of all the circus had to find a tent that was rain proof. When it rained or even just drizzled, the trapeze would be too slippery. ‘Schimmel’ was afraid to catch a cold from the sneezing audiences. The white-faced clown was afraid her make-up would run down. The circus performed less and less. Few noticed it because they were most switched to their little screens and had forgotten what a thrilling experience it is to be in a big top. New acts were badly needed and it was difficult to find venues. Many had now been turned into car parks or apartment buildings. “Why would they prefer a car park to a field where a circus , a place of pure magic, can perform?" the elephant sight. “May I remind you that most performances such as juggling, acrobatics, rope dancing and even the work of clowns remain largely rooted in skills and techniques developed as far back as ancient Egypt and China and during the Roman Empire. The show must go on.” They all nodded and